Steve Holt Ole Miss is a sad sack

Huge sports fans here at We Rite Goode. Basketball, baseball. NASCAR. Camel-racing. Love 'em all.

But in the vast sporting firmament, there are some spectacles that we are condemned to enjoy from afar...certain passions that we can follow with interest but never warrant true believer status. Such is the case with SEC Football; it runs in the blood of a Warren St. John or Orson's not the province of us snarky Northeners.

But sarcasm, neurotic humor, and hipster favorite critically underrated TV shows? Yes, we identify with "Arrested Development" on a pretty deep level. Not to mention, Mr. Jay Tibbs is a dead ringer for George Michael.

So thank goodness for the fantastic Joe Cribbs Car Wash's guide to SEC football, which uses Lucille, Tobias, et al., to explain a conference that's often as alien as Motherboy to us.

For example, G.O.B. = Arkansas?? Now we understand the whole brouhaha over Houston "I demand to be treated with respect" Nutt.

For the rest of you who just want Arrested Development highlights, here's your fan service.

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posted by Crucifictorious @ 21:49,


At September 9, 2014 at 4:00 AM, Anonymous letter template said...

Although sarcasm, neurotic laughter, and hipster favourite critically underrated Series? Yes, we discover with "Arrested Development" on the fairly deeply level. As well as, Mr. The author Tibbs is usually a useless ringer pertaining to George Eileen.


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